By the time you reach out to a therapist, we know that you have spent countless hours considering your next steps. Our goal is to create a seamless experience of accessing counseling for yourself, your child, or your family. At Thread, we aim to create a safe environment where all of your questions are answered, you are connected with a counselor and services that meet your needs, and that you feel in control.

Let us know how we can help.

Our Services

  • We are committed to providing a safe, non-judgmental space for our clients to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Navigating the highs and lows of life is hard, and often overwhelming. Using a collaborative approach, we support our clients as they work towards positive change, gaining insight, developing coping strategies, and promoting emotional growth and well-being.

    Everyone's life experience is unique as we are all walking a different path. At Thread, we consider it a privilege to be invited to walk alongside.

  • Oftentimes parents tell us, “Everything was fine, and then my kid became a teenager!” Being a parent is hard … and so is being a teen! While adolescence is a part of typical development, it is often challenging as it is filled with change. Change for teens as they become more independent and navigate through the world differently. And change for parents as they let go of some of the control while still providing much needed support.

    At Thread, we provide both traditional talk therapy for teens, as well as activity therapy, where we use a variety of activities and creative arts. All of which are used to promote physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being.

  • What is Play Therapy?

    Play Therapy is "the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development." (as defined by the Association for Play Therapy)

    What does this mean?

    Children process life and experiences differently than adults, therefore, we can’t expect them to experience therapy in the same way that adults do. With this in mind, play therapy is an evidence based approach that allows a child to learn, explore, and make sense of the world around them using a methodology that honors where they are developmentally. Rather than utilizing talk therapy, we use your child’s natural tendency to “play out” their reactions to life situations while we, as trained play therapists, help your child feel accepted and understood.

    At Thread, we utilize play therapy to create a place for your child to feel accepted and whole. We also place tremendous value on collaborating with parents as we work together to support your child as they gain understanding and a sense of control while navigating through life’s challenges.

    By using play as the therapeutic tool, we work towards facilitating emotional growth, resilience, and positive change in children facing various challenges, such as anxiety, depression, behavioral difficulties, trauma, and social struggles.

  • Becoming a parent is one of the biggest life changes we experience in our lives. For us, it was a moment where our entire identity shifted. We felt like we were aiming at a moving target while being bombarded with conflicting messages. Couple that with the challenges your child faces, and parenting can feel utterly daunting. Our unique process pairs an evidence-based approach to parenting with therapeutic support. This space allows you to ask the “what do I do?” questions as well as therapeutic support to ask “how am I doing?” Consider this a space to work through your own anxieties, concerns, and parenting skills.

Get started with Thread, today.